
Has COVID-19 Defined a New Path for the Energy Industry?

The prevailing sentiment is that COVID-19 shock will be transitory and that the economy, energy demand and prices will adjust. So far, the crisis has left us with more questions than answers.


Defining the Future – In Collaboration

Accenture’s high value consultancy combined with AspenTech's innovative technology solutions offer energy, chemical and mining companies a path to greater resilience and agility.


Sustainability Gumbo – International Style

What happens when you bring together four leading voices on the future of energy and sustainability? Join us at OPTIMIZE 2021 to find out.

On Demand Webinar

What’s New in aspenONE® V11 Petroleum Supply Chain

View this on-demand webinar and learn how to boost profitability by closing the gap between planning and actual operations with the new release of aspenONE V11. Experts discuss the new enhancements to Aspen PIMS-AO, Aspen Petroleum Scheduler, Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer and the new Aspen GDOT. Discover how to streamline your workflow as you set more ambitious planning goals!

On Demand Webinar

Aumente sus márgenes de ganancia mediante la optimización dinámica al alinear la planificación, la programación y APC

Las compañías de refinación y de la Industria química tienen la tarea de cerrar la brecha entre el desempeño planeado y el real de la planta con el objetivo de mejorar los márgenes de ganancia. La tecnología de optimización dinámica aborda estos desafíos al integrar verticalmente la planeación, la programación y el control avanzado de procesos (APC) en lazo cerrado. Reúnase con la experta de AspenTech, Angélica Tequia, para una demostración en vivo y aprenda cómo Aspen GDOT le permite:

On-Demand Webinar

People, Planet, Profits: Digital Strategies for a Circular Economy

While most chemical companies have sustainability initiatives in place with varying reliance on digital technologies to achieve these goals, challenges remain. What are the key enablers to eliminate emissions and waste, extend material use and regenerate natural systems? How do new innovations accelerate this effort?


Explore New Possibilities With Digital Twins and Virtual Reality

AspenTech partner company Emerson shares their strategy for using a digital twin that can provide short-term benefits during this time of unprecedented restrictions on workers and industry.


Structuring Your Learning Strategy Towards Competency

The second blog in our eLearning WFH series explains how to build a successful eLearning competency target and blended learning path.


Успешное развитие в условиях «новой нормальности» требует Самооптимизирующихся предприятий

Последнее время, мы много слышим о "новой нормальности" и о том, к чему она приведет, но на самом деле мы точно не знаем, каким будет следующий этап. Будущее по-прежнему будут определять мировые санитарно-эпидемиологические условия, международная политика, изменения в нормативно-правовых актах и общее состояние экономики. Слишком много неизвестных, с которыми мы столкнемся в глобальном масштабе.


Which Technologies Will Help Determine the Winners in the Energy Transition?

As energy companies navigate short-term profitability and long-term investment in energy transition, digital technology has become the key swing player.

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